Browse Items (65 total)
This 1991 announcement details that Martin Luther King III will be a featured speaker at the Hands Around the Lake Event on February 2. King is described as a representative for then President Jimmy Carter, and "helped to establish a non-violence…
This 1991 Collegian article discusses the Lambda Coalition, a group on campus created to support LGBTQ+ individuals. It is named the Lambda Coalition as the lambda symbol is a recognized symbol of queer activism by the Gay Activist Alliance in New…
In this 1991 Collegian opinion piece, author Katherine Clark writes in response to a "That's What You Think?" section where UR students appeared with blank spots, no pictures and excuses in ability to answer the question, "How would you feel about…
This 1991 Collegian article focuses on the Richmond College assistant dean and the faculty advisor to the Lambda Coalition, David Braverman, receiving six drunk phone calls making "jokes about the idea of of a support group for gays, lesbians,…
In this 1991 Collegian feature piece, "That's What You Think" the following question is asked to multiple University of Richmond students, "How big a problem do you think rape is on our campus?" Lori Euritt, a senior, states that in "comparison to…
This 1991 Collegian article focuses on a legal battle that was between Harry Snead, a T.C. Williams School of Law professor and the University of Richmond. Snead was suspended from classroom teaching in November 1988 due to his "sexist and racial…
This 1991 article focuses on an announcement made by R. Dean Decker, a biology professor, in which he states that any students who walked out of his class, or were absent during the time of his class would automatically fail the course. This…
This 1988 Collegian article discusses the results of a survey done by a journalism class, where they randomly sampled 359 University students with a telephone poll. Of that number of students, 169 were men while 190 were women. Of that 190, 11…
This article written in 1988 describes a new Valentine Museum Exhibition, titled "In Bondage and Freedom: Antebellum Black Life in Richmond." Judy Lankford, the Director of Development at the Valentine Museum, stated that, "Richmond would not have…
This 1977 article describes the changes in Westhampton College dress code and etiquette policy, detailing the ways that the college has become more progressive. The article, written by Sean Finnell, compares the Westhampton Handbook of that day, to…
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