Browse Items (65 total)
This 1934 Collegian article discusses the potential for a team name change from 'Spiders' to 'Rebels.' The article attempts to persuade readers that a new name is needed due to the fact that the name is "insignificant" and does not "represent any…
This 1993 Collegian article discusses the creation of Common Ground, an organization on campus for LGBTQ+ students to discuss what being gay is like at the University of Richmond. The Lambda Coalition, another support group for LGBTQ+ students not…
This 1969 Collegian article is about the Westhampton College Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) hosting a workshop and seminar in order to get more youth involved in the program. Sarah Jane Stewart of the Southern Regional Office in Atlanta,…
This article, written in 1943, details the festivities of Westhampton College's May Day, which is run by the sophomore women. The college gym will be decorated as an old Southern Plantation. In order to add to the atmosphere of the theme, "twelve…
This 1927 Collegian article attempts to persuade students to go see the Richmond Senior play at the Strand Theatre. The play being performed is Shenandoah, and is described as a play that everyone will enjoy, "whether from the North or the South in…
President Edward Ayers spoke about the University of Richmond's past during his 2008 inaugural speech, and retold the history of both colleges focusing on "stories about Richmond's first presidents, its Baptist roots, the first female students, and…
This 1950 Collegian article explains surveys done by the University of Richmond students in Richmond's fiscal administration and "Negro education" below the college level. Marvin Menkes of Deal, N.J. who participated in surveying the education of…
The article explains the 1924 release of "The Southern Planter," written by Richmond College alumnus, Dr. Francis P. Gaines. The purpose of the book is to "outline the popular conception of the old plantation," as well as to trace the development of…
This 1972 Collegian article details a lecture given by William Taylor, the personal assistant for the firm of I.E DuPont. DuPont offers jobs to high school graduates who pass their pre-employment exam, and those who fail they attempt to seek out,…
This 1991 Collegian article discusses the viewpoint of Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, who is a professor of history and the director of women's studies at Emory University. She spoke at the University of Richmond, advocating her view that "Southern women…
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