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This 1897 drawing in the Spider yearbook depicts a racist caricature of a black person next to the "Peanut Club" whose motto is "eat at pleasure and drink by measure." It is unclear why a black person is depicted next to what appears to be an food…
This 1899 drawing in the yearbook, The Spider, is of a racist caricature of a black man, holding cards as a title page for the university's clubs. At this point in time there were no black students attending the University of Richmond.
This drawing in the 1913 yearbook, depicts a caricature of a black man, as one is in court and is wearing disheveled clothing, attached to a ball and chain. This image was used as the title image of the Law portion of the yearbook.
This 1949 yearbook features the Confederate Spider mascot, at the start of each section. In this particular photo there is a replica of the confederate spider pointing to the deanery, for the "Administration" section of the yearbook.
This 1907 Messenger essay details the University's history as it is described as a matter of great interest to students and the community. Among the history of the foundation of the college, there is discussion of a "colored" server named Tom who Mr.…
This short story written in the 1910 yearbook is titled "Mammy Rose" and centers around a young man Marse Roberts who has lost hope at being successful. However an older "colored" woman comes upon him, and they reconnect as she took care of him when…
This short story written in the 1911 yearbook titled, "Uncle Remus on Coeds" and goes into detail about the elaborate parties that coeds throw, through the narrative of Uncle Remus. The story uses "negro" dialect and misspellings of words in order to…
This essay in the 1915 yearbook is written by student Evan Chesterman who is writing about the pride of Richmond ancestry. Chesterman uses metaphors when decribing the abandoned college campus during the Civil War as "a little darkey's kinky head…
In this short 1928 Collegian article, Mrs. Sally Harris, widow of A.M. Harris who was a member of the Class of 1876, has given to the library a copy of a picture taken of the Valentine statue of General Robert E. Lee. The photo depicts the group of…
This Collegian article, written in 1929, focuses on a collection of letters, notes, and autographs given to the university library from Dr. J. L. M. Curry and Miss Ella M. Thomas. Dr. Curry was a member of the United States Congress and the…
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