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Charles Alexander Eastman (born Hakadah), was a Santee Dakota physician, lecturer, and reformer. Eastman travelled to England for two months to teach school children about indigenous American customs and race relations with white settlers. The…

This article is about the University of Richmond's participation in the Christian World Educational Conference, also known as Education Week, which was sponsored by the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) and the Young Women's Christian…

The Christian World Educational Conference, also known as Education Week, which was sponsored by the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), came to a close after two days of educational sessions. One of the four main focuses of the conference was…

The Anglo-Saxon Club of America was founded in Richmond, VA by John Powell and Ernest Sevier Cox, both of whom were white supremacists. The purpose of the Anglo-Saxon club was to preserve Anglo-Saxon civilization in the United States and to…

John Powell, distinguished as a pianist and white supremacist, helped form a chapter of the Anglo-Saxon Club of America at the University of Richmond. The purpose of the club was to preserve Anglo-Saxon civilization in the United States and to…

Chinese Richmond College students held a reception to honor faculty at the University of Richmond. The reception was located at Lido Garden, a restaurant on Broad Street serving Chinese and American food. Many prominent faculty attended the reception…

This articles describes a banquet hosted by Chinese students honoring Mr. Y. E. Hsiaio (Hsiao), a Chinese educator. From Ningpo (Ningbo), China, Hsiao was a Shanghai College graduate and president general secretary of the Chinese Student Christian…

The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) created new committees in order to address issues regarding student life. There were four committees created: Discussion groups, Educational, Religious programs, and Social relations. The discussion groups…

The Chinese Club held a banquet on October 10, 1924 to celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of the Chinese Republic. The banquet was located at Far East Restaurant, on Third and Broad Streets. Members of the Chinese Club included both Richmond…

On this two page spread for the Southwest Virginia Club at Richmond College, a collage of photographs on page 233 picturing students engaging in activities such as playing instruments and playing sports. On the third row in the far left photo, there…
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