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This Collegian article is meant to notify the students of three year graduate fellowships sponsored by Pepsi-Cola Scholarship Board. The Board aimed to award 26 scholarships in total of which two were specifically directed towards students from Black…
The article "More Black Recruitment Proposed," published by The Collegian April 3rd, 1986, discusses whether or not there was a need to recruit more black students. The Students Affairs office would have been in charge of hiring a black minority…
In an article published in The Collegian on February 24th 1983, called "Grants Open Doors for Minorities, But UR Social Life Remains Closed," black students expressed their frustration with the lack of social opportunities for them at the University…
Published on February 5, 1971, this article is especially catered towards the low-income students at University of Richmond. The article states that most university students living off-campus may be eligible for food stamps. It further goes on to…
On November 7, 1974 The Collegian published an article about the problems that international students face at the University of Richmond. Phillip Hart, the university's International Student Advisor not only considered foreign-born students as…
This article was published in The Collegian in 1989 and features an interview with then University of Richmond president, Richard L. Morrill. In this piece, Morrill discusses the University's diversity issue and emphasizes the need to broaden its…
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