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This 1947 Collegian article explains that during construction two human skeletons and one coffin were found on campus. There were many rumours and speculations surrounding the dead bodies, with professors and students speculating that the bodies had…
In an article describing the university campus, the Web states, "Safely tucked away amid the stately brick houses and rolling lawns of the Country Club, our 350 acre campus creates a sanctuary from the evil world around us. We are insulated from the…
This article describes an incident involving the brother of President Jimmy Carter, Billy Carter. The incident, as reported by United Press International, included Carter making a racially offensive comment to a black politician, Carter Gilmore.…
This article published in The Collegian features an interview with Chinese international student, Richard Lin Yang. Yang tells the Collegian that he was originally from Shanghai, but moved to Hong Kong due to the Chinese Civil War (1927-1950) --…
This article published by The Collegian on October 26th, 1923, called, "Thief In Dormitory Halted By Matron" describes a black man suspected of stealing at Randolph-Macon Women's College being pursued by a matron at gunpoint. Mrs. F. M. Mitchell…
Published in 1919, this Collegian article discussed the address by Secretary McGrew, State YMCA Secretary for the "negro race." The article called the event a "treat" because not many students had heard an "educated negro" speak before or heard him…
This column published in The Collegian highlights an event in which the Juniors and Freshmen of Westhampton held a "Japanese" themed "wedding." The social event featured "Oriental" decorations and food.
This feature was an account given by Don Sawyer, a former Richmond student, and his time during the Korean War. In the account, Sawyer tells the story of when he was shot fighting the Chinese and almost died from his wound, starvation, and from the…
This image posted in The Collegian on November 6, 1959, shows five Chinese students (international status unknown) surrounding what seems to be a fountain or pond with lilypads. The students' names are: Jean Lee, Shirley Lai, Patricia Kwa, and Meehan…
This Richmond News Leader article from 1957 was targeted towards an honors convocation speech that was delivered by the Atlantic Monthly editor, Edward Weeks, to University of Richmond graduates. Weeks claimed that the catalyst of the South's unique…
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