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This article describes the local YMCA creating a program for "students who are facing and attempting to solve problems of the campus, of race, of war, of industry and all manner of pertinent human relationship." The article states, “in seeking a…
Published in 1919, this Collegian article discussed the address by Secretary McGrew, State YMCA Secretary for the "negro race." The article called the event a "treat" because not many students had heard an "educated negro" speak before or heard him…

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Howard Kester from the Federation of Reconciliation, a religious nonviolent organization, addressed Rolvix Harlan's sociology class on race relations. In the talk, Kester advocated for white students to shift their perspectives on view Black people.…

The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) created new committees in order to address issues regarding student life. There were four committees created: Discussion groups, Educational, Religious programs, and Social relations. The discussion groups…
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