A Report of the Committee to Study Segregation in the Graduate and Professional Schools of the University of Richmond

Dublin Core


A Report of the Committee to Study Segregation in the Graduate and Professional Schools of the University of Richmond


In a report from 1954 evaluating the need for the University of Richmond to integrate, the committee charged to study segregation in the graduate and professional schools concluded that there was no need to racially integrate at the time of the report. The decision was made to continue the policy of not accepting African American students under the justification that it had been the policy for 124 years and there wasn’t yet enough pressure to change that structure. The report stated that the university relied on its alumni, friends, and the Baptists General Association of Virginia for “financial and other support” and that these constituents had not accepted the policy of desegregation. This document shows the power that financial supporters had on the social policies of the university.


Report of Committee to Study Racial Segregation in the University of Richmond, 1954. From Virginia Baptist Historical Society. The George M. Modlin Papers.




Madeleine Jordan-Lord


RG Box 29, Folder 13


Virginia Baptist Historical Society, George M. Modlin Papers





Committee to Study Segregation in The Graduate and Professional Schools of the University of Richmond , “A Report of the Committee to Study Segregation in the Graduate and Professional Schools of the University of Richmond,” University of Richmond Race & Racism Project, accessed February 14, 2025, https://memory.richmond.edu/items/show/435.